Osteological collections





A national collection of fossil bones

The section of Osteology has since 1920 held the position as national laboratory and collection of sub-fossil bones, mainly from archaeological excavations. In the later decades comprehensive materials from geological and zoological excavations have also been included in the collection. The oldest material dates to the beginning of the last Ice Age, c. 115,000 years ago, but the majority of bone samples are of Post-Glacial age, that is younger than 10,000 years. The collection includes bone materials from all Norwegian counties, altogether millions of bones from ca 1,200 localities.

excavating a boneheap at Hardangervidda i Southern Norway vertebraes from a 12000 year old whale from Blomvåg in Hordaland



monarksommerfugl ringnål fra Hatteberg, Rosendal